Friday, December 27, 2002

Whew! Been away for quite a while, haven't I? It's not as if I had a choice, though... All of a sudden my computer caught some kind of virus and it simply wouldn't work. The guy at the computer shop said the hard drive needed changing. (Do I make it sound like a small deal? Well, it's not.) But then I really can't do much about it. Don't worry, I'm used to backing up my files. :)

Hey, why is still up? Wasn't it supposed to be gone last week? Oh well... Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it. :D

Monday, December 9, 2002

CONCERT DATES: Feb. 5, 6 and 7. :) They'll be playing at 3 universities, I think. Woohoo!!! :D

Anyway... I realized only now how fast time flies. Only 17 days till Christmas! I haven't even started with my shopping yet! Oh, well... In a couple of weeks, it'll be goodbye to this site... *Sigh*

I've been online for a couple of hours now, searching the online listings of the libraries of universities here in the metro. I'm coming up with a bibliography for my thesis proposal. I can't help but think that in three semesters, I'll be graduating.

We had an exercise in my PR class last Saturday. Our Professor asked us who were the three people we'd want to be present on our 100th birthday celebration, and think of what we would want them to say about us. My friend Ley's answer was a great surprise. When the prof called on her, she said my name. Why me??? :) She said, "Because I have a feeling that she'll make it big in the future." And she said my words about her would be, "She showed me what true partnership means."

Sometimes, I doubt my abilities and I feel the urge to give up... But they get me through. I owe much to them -- to the people who believe in me and my abilities, and who never stop loving me despite my shortcomings. And my friend, my partner Ley is definitely on of them. :)

Shoutout: ...and I love you Bie24! I miss you terribly... :(

Wednesday, December 4, 2002

Stephen Speaks just announced that THEY'RE GOING TO MANILA!!! I am totally psyched! :D Someone has got to take me to their show! Heheheh... *hint hint*

Tuesday, December 3, 2002

I got three new Friends VCD's! Woohoo!!! :) I've completed the first three seasons... :) I didn't have classes today so my sister and I went to ATC to buy our mom a gift. She's been eyeing this pair of brown sandals in Alberto's and I promised her I'd get her that for Christmas, so we bought it! :) I'm so happy because I was finally able to buy my mom an expensive gift... My parents never really ask for anything from us, and they said it was okay that they were always on the "giving" end during Christmas. But it really felt nice to be able to give something that I know my mom really wants... Considering the fact that she's been so good to Tata and me -- she replaced my lost Palm and Tata's lost Game Boy so my dad wouldn't have to reprimand us. Mothers are SOOO great! :)

I also bought that Harry Potter Sticker album. I told myself I wouldn't (after my friend Killerdork reminded me of that law forbidding me to drool over a 12 year-old) -- but I couldn't help myself!!! :) So that's something that will surely feed my Daniel Radcliffe obsession. Heheh... :)

Anyway, I checked Tower Records, Odyssey, Radio City, and probably every other music store in Town Center and Southmall to see if they already have the Stpehen Speaks album. I read from their message board that they're still looking for a distributor here in the Philippines. Unfortunately, the most accurate answer I got was a "next week po" from that seleslady at Tower Records ATC. I even overheard one saleslady saying, "Bakit ba ang daming nagahahanap nun?" and her co-worker said in utter disbelief, "Hindi mo pa ba naririnig yung Passenger Seat?!?!" That girl is sooo right. ;)

Sunday, December 1, 2002

We didn't have classes yesterday, because it's Bonifacio day. :) I really wanted to catch the Voices A Capella Competition Mall Tour. They were at Robinson's Place Manila yesterday... but I had to go to a friend's party last night so I wasn't able to go. But I heard from the radio broadcast that the mall was jampacked and that the performances were really great. :) Hopefully I'll catch them when they go to ATC on December 13. Speaking of which, 24 days to go till my favorite holiday -- Christmas!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

In my last post, I was raving about Daniel Radcliffe, but today I'll be raving about something else -- my favorite song as of the moment, Passenger Seat by Stephen Speaks. It's been playing nonstop on my computer. Whew. :) It's just so dreamy... Imagine someone singing that to you. Isn't it just totally romantic...??? :D

"And I've got all that I need right here in the passenger seat... And I can't keep my eyes on the road knowing that she's inches from me...

Anyway, the conflict involving my other "project" has been resolved, so, I'm again putting up a link to this site. It's something I made for the juniors (3rd year) back in my high school. They're NOT my batchmates (actually, only in name coz I'm a JUNIOR in COLLEGE), I am *drumroll* four years older than them. So there. Go view and sign the guestbook, okish? :)

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

I'm so into Daniel Radcliffe. I'm like a school girl absolutely drooling over this 13-year-old boy. He is sooooo cute, with this sexy British accent and this I-just-hit-puberty quality to his voice... Hahaha, cradle snatcher! :) I was just reminded of how adorable he is coz I saw him on Oprah in Star World toady. Thank God I don't heve classes on Tuesdays! :D

Speaking of which, I heard there was a bomb threat on UP Manila today and the Chancellor actually suspended all classes. I was supposed to have a meeting for JMA today but Ces, our president, called to tell me it was cancelled. Bomb threat at UP Manila? Come to think of it, we're situated near some important institutions -- the Supreme Court, Department of Justice and the Court of Appeals to name some, and of course PGH and the US Embassy are only a few blocks away. Still, the idea of bombing my school seems so far fetched, ridiculous even. But then again, wasn't that what they said about the World Trade Center?

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Unknown till it was discovered by archaeologists, the mystic horoscope is divided into 12 signs, each one ruled by a different Egyptian god. 4000 years ago, mothers took their new born baby girls to the Temple of the Sun on the banks of the Nile, where priests consulted sacred writings to foretell the infants' romantic futures.


ISIS, Goddess of Miracles

Those born under the sign of this ancient Egypt's chief goddess have a magic touch. With a smile, they can captivate any man who attracts them. Finding Mr. Right is easy for Isis' daughters they can spot him a mile off and snare him/her with their great charm.

--from an email. Hey, I had no classes today! Actually, I had no class today. I only have Technical Writing 2 on thursdays and a few minutes after I left the house, Ley texted me and said we weren't going to meet. Woohoo! :D

I'm considering selling my old Sweet Valley books at our village tiangge... But I'm having second thoughts. I might regret not having them (y'know, sentimental value) but I really would like to have some spending money for Christmas. Besides, I'd like to help my mom replace the Palm I lost. Hmmm... Bahala na.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Watching Charmed already (which means I made it on time -- hehe) and Paige is sooo pretty! :D

Anyway, I went to school today and was late for my first class -- it was raining hard in Las Pinas when I left. Y'know, I think it's costing me more to bring a car to school than just commuting... Although I got a raise on my allowance to cover gas expenses, I still feel I might be spending too much. The gas prices are just too high. And I go through 2 major highways (Coastal and D. Macapagal) so the rightmost pedal takes the strain, and gulps the gas! I really have to weigh the pros and cons. Whew. I admit it's more comfortable and I feel secure bringing the car. It's just so unsafe out on the streets nowadays.

Speaking of which, it was not a really good day last Friday because I lost something of great value, and my little sister did too. I'm not gonna say it again coz my dad doesn't know about it -- just playing safe. :) I was disheartened when my 8-yr-old sister said, "Ate, ang dami talagang masasamang tao sa Pilipinas, no?" I hate it that at such an early age, she is given reasons to distrust people. Pfft. Some people may be evil... but... I don't want her to lose faith in the whole of humanity. Every single one of us, after all, are inherently good... and I believe it! :)

Friday, November 15, 2002

Not a really good day today. :( Details later.
Gamol ng last post. Eto na talaga... Good night to me...
Still up. Bangag nko. It's papa's birthday today. Walang. Wanna know what I've been up to? Heheh. (decided to delete the link...). Waaah... Tulog nako... Ey I've got new links... check them out... Raych and Sam. And to everyone else who remembered me and signed my guestbook, BIG THANKS. Anyway, I'm off... zzZZzzZZzz...

edited 11.15.02 ten:forty-two pm

Thursday, November 14, 2002

P.S. If you're visitor number 3,000 (counter is under the &others box to your left) let me know! :D
First day of school today. I watched Harry Potter! Haha. My sister said, "Mama, si Ate hindi pumasok. First day pa naman. Nanood lang ng Harry Potter." Actually, that's not true. My first (and only) class starts at 2:30pm so I left home by 9:00am so I can catch the first screening at Rob. :)

Bad thing happened today. While I was driving along Coastal, I was suddenly struck by this terrible, terrible headache. There was light traffic in Zapote but I had a hard time focusing on the road coz it really felt like my skull was cracking. I was afraid I might pass out. I considered parking somewhere and asking my mom to just pick me up (it was that bad). I was breaking into a cold sweat. I turned of my aircon and I was perspiring but it still felt chilly inside the car. When I got home, I went straight up to my bed to take a nap. Whew. I wonder what that was all about.

Maybe it's just a case of "sembreak-sickness." Hehe. I miss bumming around so much it makes me sick. :D

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

well, what do you know... I'm suddenly feeling better. Cry for help heeded -- by a Killerdork and a Paulinian. You probably don't know it and you probably don't care (Zip it! Sh*tty mood yet again? Enough!)... but you cheered me up.

And now, it's time for the smile. -- :D
I'm hungry. Why am I hungry? Dammit. Reductil's acting up.

Sorry for the gibberish. I think I need to sleep, but I'm pretty sure I'll just figure out something else to do if I log off... just so I won't go to sleep. I wish someone, anyone would text me right now. I think I'm about to get sucked into my pointless thoughts. Blah. Angst, anyone?

Monday, November 11, 2002

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by my frustrations. So many things I want to do and be, and yet, I am stuck in this moment. Unproductive and whining. I feel like a failure.
Put up our Christmas tree today... Motif is green and gold. (hmm, school colors? hehe. :) Ayun. I watched charmed. Galing talaga... I love that show.

Anyway, this Thursday is supposed to be my first day back to school. Shoot. Work, work, work nanaman. I have six major subjects this sem! I'm guessing I'll be really busy again. But then, what's new? Haaay. But I have to make sure to be home by 9pm on Monday. It's the Charmed Season Finale. Can't miss that. :D

Sunday, November 10, 2002

Deleted the comments thingie. Can't make it work. Sorry, friend, you just have to be patient with my guestbook. :D

Bought a new pair of shades and SIX Friends vcd's! Woohoo! My collection's expanding! Yey! :D Right now I'm reviewing my sister for her Religion class. They have to memorize the mysteries of the holy rosary. She told me that there is a new set of mysteries -- so there is already a total of four. Aside from Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries, we now have the Luminous Mysteries. Judging from the my sister's list, it's includes some of Jesus' miracles and acts of faith.

Hmmm... I remember my grade school and high school days... Sometimes I miss Religion class. It's so easy to take for granted our obligations as Christians when no one is constantly reminding us to do it. Back then the administration would take care of the First Friday masses, Confessions, Retreats, praying of the Holy Rosary and even our blessing before and after meals. I for one used to complain about it, but yes, sometimes I really do wish myself back to the time when all you had to do was wait for someone else's instructions.

Saturday, November 9, 2002

Pretty uneventful day... Just went to the dentist to have some fillings, and then went to the grocery with mama and my sister. I bought a Corrs Unplugged DVD but it won't play. :( My papa says it's because the TV is of a different system or some technical thing... So there.

I've finished watching 9 volumes of FRIENDS vcd's. It's my new collection. :) I already have volumes 1-4 of season 1, all volumes of season 2 and both volumes of The Best of FRIENDS vcd's. :) But I still have a looong way to go, coz there are already 8 seasons available on vcd, and I really want to know what happens in season 9 coz that's when the 9/11 tragedy happened. Because the series is set in Manhattan, New York, I don't remember an episode of Friends where the Twin Towers or the Manhattan Skyline is not shown. I want to know how they reacted to the tragedy, but the vcd's of the 9th season will probably be released here after a year or so.

Anyway, to anyone thinking of giving me a gift this Christmas (ehem, ehem) I would very much appreciate vcd's of the remaining 6 seasons. I will be eternally grateful, I promise! :D

Friday, November 8, 2002

I'm trying to make the comment thingie work...
I went to school today to enrol. Next sem's schedule is very much like last sem's. I still don't have classes on Tuesdays and Fridays. Gawd... I missed my blockmates. heheheh. Na-miss ko yung kakulitan at kadaldalan nila. Heheh... typical orcs! :) Anyway, here are some pics during our sem ender about a month ago.Wala bang sem starter??? Hehehe...

gazebo, terrace, perverts!

Thursday, November 7, 2002

My father was born under my sign too. We both have strong, dominant personalities. We are both opinionated and principled. We are expressive. And when we speak our emotions, our words can sting if we want them to.

Sometimes, I plainly abhor the fact that there are two Scorpions in the family. Our personalities are so similar that it’s unimaginable when the two of us clash – much like having two ferocious, stinging Scorpions fight it out.

Ironically, when we are both in good moods, we are also the most malambing. But I won’t talk about that now because I’m totally pissed off by his latest 10-minute lecture, which, by the way happened less than an hour ago.

When he reprimands me, I always think, My words can’t hurt other people this bad. He just has this way of lecturing and scolding me that’s more upsetting than being yelled at. It can really make me feel so wrong and so little, and me, being the typical Scorpion, would want to reason out and defend myself – but I know better than to wield my own string of stingy words at him. Nothing can change his mind and it would only aggravate the situation.

Many times, I have wished either one of us were born under a different blanket and alignment of stars. I have gotten used to blaming our conflicts and arguments to the fact that we share the same zodiac sign. But when I think that if it really is written in the stars… there truly is nothing much I can do to change them.

From my comedienne friend ABC, commenting on her life as an ECE student at Diliman:


I think that i shall never see

A grade as lovely as a three.

A three that's earned with blood and sweat

When failing is a serious threat.

A three i've asked from God all day

Knowing praying is the only way.

Exams are taken by fools like me

but only God can give a three.

Wednesday, November 6, 2002

new layout...

i'll be going to DFA tomorrow to get a passport. I know, 19 and "passport-less"? Even my 8-year-old sister has one. I had to get one because my tita who's based in Japan wants to fly me and my brother in to spend Christmas with my cousins. I hope it works out... it would be nice to get out of the country. Specially now that things aren't really okay... Very confusing... Don't wanna think...

...hence the "shattered" theme. *sigh*

Tuesday, November 5, 2002

Great quote from tonight's episode of Smallville:

"What would you do if you had the power to see anything?"

"Learn to close my eyes."

On a lighter note, Googlism certainly had a lot to say about me. Haha. Thanks Psyche for the good laugh.

teng is a respected american doctor and professor of traditional chinese medicine who was arrested in may.

teng is also a faculty member of the graduate school of biomedical sciences program in virology and gene therapy.

teng is in a state of "change of heart after brainwashing".

teng is the only candidate for assessor who will work for the veterans and seniors of this city.

teng is fulfilling this duty by taking care of her grandmother.

teng is desperate. [oooowwwwkkkkkaaayyyy... :D]

teng is suddenly singing the praises of her captors.

teng is called tung wan. [my new nickname? whaddya think? :)]

teng is also a member in the jail art team and often participates in art performances.

teng is now a full professor in the computer science department at boston university and also a senior research scientist at akamai.

teng is a practicing physician within the lewis and john dare center at virginia mason.

teng is a frequent participant in research projects focusing on the aboriginal tribes.

teng is extremely soft. [i always did think i was rather cuddly. :D]

teng is not quite who you would expect. [ooohh. deep.]

teng is a flutist.

teng is a world renowned geophysicist. [you bet i am! :D]

teng is a japanese long nosed goblin. [but the mirror tells me otherwise... hmm. better check again.]

teng is an assistant professor of chinese studies in the foreign languages and literatures section.

teng is most deplorable and inexcusable for an elected representative.

teng is an associate editor of advances in structural engineering.

teng is pure magic. [ehem. :D]

and best of all...

teng is actively engaging in building contacts with sex workers. [me -- the pimp! :D]

Monday, November 4, 2002

woohoo! finally! UNIVERSITY SCHOLAR!!! woohoo!

i can't be happier! :D i went to school this morning to get my classcards... and thank God, they're ok! not just ok, but really good! enough to garner an average that will qualify me as a university scholar. i've been really eyeing that for so many semesters. now i got it... all our hard work has paid off! :D woohoo!

i'm glad it all turned out well for us. i know the rest of my barkada are either university or college scholars too. i'm really, really proud of them. :D

God is good, all the time!

all the way to magna... i wish! heheh!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2002

happy birthday to me. woohoo. 30 people have greeted me as of lunchtime. thanks everyone, you know who you are. LOVE YOU ALL.

Friday, November 1, 2002

So far, the unverified grades sound okay. hahah... still can't wait to know the real grades come Monday. Ah, the suspense is killing me!

Anyway, less than forty-eight hours to go and I'll be saying hello to my last teenage year. Don't forget to greet me or you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Heheheh... :D

Thursday, October 31, 2002

pardon my profanity, but i have to do this.


whew. had to get that out of my system. kinakabahan ako sa grades ko this sem! i want to see my classcards!!!

damn it. it's a long wait till monday.

f*ck. sana naman maayos...

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I did a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of my room Friday afternoon. It took me over 12 hours! And I didn't even open my cabinet! Whew. Believe me, I almost drowned in my own mess. There were lots of odd junk, piles and piles of photocopied handouts, graded test papers, books and magazines everywhere! If we held those high school "newspaper drives" now, I would win with my hands down.Ü

Friday, October 25, 2002

Last Monday we had our sem-ender party. Although only half of the class were in attendance, I still enjoyed myself. We played billiards and charades, and a mean game of boys-vs-girls basketball! Who would've expected the girls to win? In the words of my friend NJ, "Dangal ang itinaya!" Couldn't have said it better myself.Ü

Anyway, I woke up with a really sore throat today. :( My tonsils are bothering me a lot. I might ask my mom if I can have it removed.

With my birthday coming up in barely over a week, I have decided not to have a party. I think I'd rather keep the money. ;) Even if I'm supposed to be celebrating my LAST TEENAGE YEAR.... UST and St. Paul Manila will resume classes on the 4th, both La Salle and Mapua still have classes by then. Most of my HS friends go to these schools, and if ever I do have a party, only those from UP and Ateneo can surely make it. Most of my blockmates are from the north, and I live down south. With all those bomb threats... Well, you get the picture.

So there.Ü I just had to justify not having a party to myself. Haha. Ü

Did anyone watch Survivor? Although I've always thought of Robb as an @$$, that was a pretty touching speech he gave there. Well, yeah, it was a bit touchy-feely but appreciated nonetheless.Ü And during Tribal Council, Jeff Probst really summed it up by saying, "The tribe has experienced spiritual growth, but it seems like the person who inspired that growth was the same person you voted out. Some game, huh?" Cocky cocky Jeff! Haha.Ü But... well said.

some shoutouts:

Thanks to all my guestbook signers! I feel loved. Hehe.Ü And AJ, read my entry. I'm not gonna have a party, so you're not invited.Ü

Thursday, October 24, 2002

should have been posted a couple of days ago:

Tom Welling is SOOOOO CUTE.Ü I just finished watching Smallville. I remember making a mental note to watch the first episode of the series but unfortunately, I not only missed the first one, but also the one after that! Now I can't believe I passed up the chance to adore Clark-Kent-slash-Tom-Welling for that long!!!

Whew. Talk about a BAD CRUSH.Ü

Sunday, October 20, 2002

have you ever felt like you knew someone, almost inside out, and then something happens that shatters that notion? i mean really shattering it to a bazillion pieces. that's how i feel right now.

maybe it's true what they say that college is the real world (although John Mayer begs to disagree). or maybe, because we get older in college, things tend to get more real. more hurtful. more blinding. more crucuial. indeed, more real.

last night i dreamt about high school. saw my old friends. wrote on the blackboard. laughed with my classmates. thought about how to make my crush notice me. i woke up feeling sad, missing my good ol' friends, and wishing me back to the days when life was so darn simple. i wanted to be young again -- not for selfish reasons but also because i want everyone around me to be young again. i want to just laugh like there's no tomorrow. i want to talk about growing old and going off to college. i want to talk about staying friends and vow to be forever true to all our promises. i want today to be just a distant memory, yet to be lived, yet to be experienced.

this day is one of the saddest, hardest days of my life. at this age, things were brought to my attention -- things that i always anticipated and planned for, but you know, when it's staring you right in the face, you'll still be taken aback. and dumbfounded. and you will still question anything and everything, even if you told yourself many times before that it can be a reality. and this is exactly what i'm doing right now. trying to find answers to all my questions. and the most painful part is knowing that you're too late and too powerless to change anything.

i wish for the days that life was simple. i wish for the days we never thought much about surviving the blows of life. i wish for the days when my friends were kids, untainted, pure. i wish to bring back all the times we wasted complaining about wanting to grow up... and just enjoying our happy, carefree days.

i wish today was just a distant memory, yet to be lived, yet to be experienced.

+ I pray to God, your soul to keep. +

Saturday, October 19, 2002

got a haircut today. my hair used to be short. now it's, errr, shorter, i guess. :) i slept really late kanina, i mean i think it's so late it's early already! (huh?) i slept at 5am because i was reading a book... okay, so i'm a dork. haha.

anyway... we're going to have our sem-ender block party this monday... yippee!! the end of this semester sure needs to be celebrated! we had six subjects last sem, and all of them were pretty demanding. talk about taking up every bit of our free time. and to add to that, i was a member of my org's executive board (that's a first for me), and i had to handle the recruitment process coz i am VP for members. i've never been that toxic! almost every other week was hell week. i'm only thankful it's over. some of my friends say that it will be doubly harder next sem though. but i'm not gonna think about that. let me enjoy the few sweet days before novemeber 14 comes around again and drags me off to school.

Friday, October 18, 2002

thanks so much my gracious hostess for taking care of my webspace -- and more! she helped me with these tables you know. ;) and partner, thanks a lot for dropping by. hope you upload your luna layout soon. :)

just finished watching Survivor: Thailand. SPOILER ALERT!!! Stephanie of Sook Jai was voted out. END OF SPOILER. you know, some of the tribe members were also trying to get rid of Shii Ann, the Taiwanese-New Yorker. apparently they're not used to her, uh, weird ways. i can understand, because being Asian, i share some of her habits and customs. i go as far as saying that some of the contestants in Survivor still see cultural minorities differently, even if Shii Ann herself shows more qualities of an American than that of a Taiwanese.
hey can anybody help me with this?

<----- how do i stop them from resizing when i use rowspan for this cell?

a kind soul help me please..... :)

but i gotta go to sleep now. zZzZzZ...
"if you are to say you love me, let it be at a time when no tears are falling from your eyes..."

i just want everything to be ok again. =(
the only good thing is... i'm turning 19 within the sembreak.

on second thought, is that a good thing?
finally, got this thing to work... haaay. it still doesn't look very nice, but it's good enough for me. i just want my words published again!!!

sembreak. such a nice word. but don't you just feel the pressure of sembreak? i mean the pressure of accomplishing something after sembreak. you know, like, i'm gonna lose 10 pounds after the sembreak. i'm gonna learn how to type with my fingers on the right keys after the sembreak. i'm gonna know where to have my practicum after the sembreak. i'm gonna have this and that accomplished after the sembreak. get my point?

i dunno... here i am, just trying to make sense out of something, anything. walalang.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

hello world. is this me, or am i an apparition? haha. :)

Monday, July 29, 2002

a lot has happened to me... haay... i really miss blogging, but what can i do? lately i really haven't the time to even check my mail... =(

Thursday, June 6, 2002

whoa! it's good thing i checked my blogger account... i've been away for almost a month! hmmm... this is too much... i've really been ded to the world! (i've been using that phrase more and more often! hmmm...)

Tuesday, May 7, 2002

it's been almost a week since i last blogged. i repeat, i've been busy. and hurting, and problematic. but i'm enjoying the pressure... i feel like i'm alive again and i'm doing something to enhance my abilities and my personality... oh well. i'm thinking of signing off for a while...... but let's just wait and see.

sorry for not plugging my gbook signers but you all know who you are... :D you make my day... even if i'm dead tired, when i see that someone new has signed my guestbook i don't feel so weighed down all of a sudden. :) *hint, hint*

Tuesday, April 30, 2002

oh hello world! i've been dead for the past few days. the Sportsfest ate up all of my time... i've been going home past midnight since last week. anyway, our village's homeowners association recently organized a Sports Council and i was elected Secretary. i think it's a big responsibility but it's also an honor to be part of the team. we'll be organizing tournaments and you know, that kind of stuff... our first project will be a pinoy-style palaro for our town fiesta, which will be held in the last week of May -- which is a first, because we normally celebrate it on the first week of November. i don't know what the deal was but they moved it. *shrug*

so there, that's why i've been not only dead to the world, but also dead tired every single night... but it's okay, i'm having fun. :D at least my summer isn't wasted... although i don't consider bumming around at home such a wasteful activity, it's great to get out of the house once in a while... at least i'm doing something productive.

so now i'm watching the third episode of the Sex and The City back-to-back special... this is really a highly enjoyable show. :D hahah. :D

by the way, i think my ISP, Infocom, cut my account off... for the past month, i've been greatly dependent on the internet to relieve me of my boredom... i'm now surfing on a donated 1-hour prepaid internet card... oooohhhh... i don't think i can live without the internet anymore!

oh my, im a net addict!!! whatever. hahah. :D

anyhoo, please visit all these lovely people who love me! also, lucille, cathy and dani -- thanks for ur messages. i miss you... :D text niyo naman ako! :D

Friday, April 26, 2002

i've been really busy this week... the Sportsfest in our village is coming up and i'm part of the secretariat. actually, i'm also covering the games, which will be held this weekend, and coming up with articles for the special newsletter for the said event. walalang. :D

i'm so happy coz i've also been able to drive around more often this week. after the "warrant of arrest" incident kasi, i've been a little hesitant to drive. guess the big fuss about such a small incident finally got to my nerves. but like my dad said, no one wants to get into an accident; it just happens. that's why we have insurances, so we can be able to drive worry-free. besides, nothing still beats the thrill of getting behind the wheel of a car and actually be responsible for the movement of such a big and complicated machine... except when there's too much traffic or the aircon's inefficient. hahah. yun lang. :D

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

"I held the girl in my arms and I felt her quiver as she tried to keep her tears to herself. But there was nothing she could do. She looked at me with eyes full of emotion, and I was stunned by how she so freely exposed her weakness. I admire her for that -- for accepting that there are things that hurt her, things that she could not take. And in those few moments that I tried to console her, I felt helpless, powerless, vulnerable. Because I know that I shared her fear. I know that I myself cannot hold on forever. I myself will someday be gone, with only faint memories of the feelings we once shared. I know that I myself will die... if I lost her."

**sniff, sniff**
new link! sis arlene :D

go visit purple schmurple aA! :D

Monday, April 22, 2002

"you shouldn't stay in a relationship just because you have no reason not to... but because you have every reason to do so."

a public service announcement from teng.
quizzes galore.

I'm in between!

How much of a freak are you?

Which stereotype are you?

Red: 21/100 Blue: 9/100 White: 7/100 Yellow: 8/100
Take the Color Code Test
by Dano

Burgundy Patent

I'm the badass burgundy patent Doc Marten...
I'm cool as hell, I'm deep,
and maybe a little dark

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

Sunday, April 21, 2002

001. Great writer.

002. Our words, our works.

003. Binibinis. Filipinas. Women.

004. Want some WordCandy?

005. Unfolding...

006. Reminiscing silently.

007. Bloomin'.

008. Cool girl.

craving for McDonald's Mashed Potatoes... i don't know why but i seem to like it. even better than KFC's.

i've been online for four hours now. my dad went to my room a few minutes ago and was surprised to see me still up... he told me "Wag mo sanayin yung katawan mo ng ganyan, magkaka-insomnia ka niyan." not to worry, pa. i think i already am an insomniac.

this morning, i watched a special on the Discovery Channel about sleep deprivation. it turns out, our body actually needs one hour of sleep for every two hours of wakefulness. otherwise, we won't be functioning that well.

okay. i'm hitting the sack.

i've been to two reunions in two days. last april 18, we had our high school reunion, organized by my friends from my senior class and it was actually held in my house! :D psyche was there and like she said, it was like we never grew up. :) we had lots of fu recounting our experiences in high school and anecdote after anecdote cracked everyone up... the atmosphere was still bubbly and well, very noisy, and three years did not make much difference. of course some were taller or thinner or fairer, and some had several boyfriends down their list, but everyone was still pretty much the same. i love those guys. :D

the second reunion was with my high school busmates. our school bus usually starts picking us up at around 5am and we arrive home at around 7pm, so we really spend a lot of time together, and we start and end our days together as well. we've really grown so close even if we were from four different batches, and i can say we've really formed a special bond. we spent the night reminiscing our kalokohan over barbecue and fried chicken... hahah. i love those guys too. :D

thinking back to the past two days, I realized I had four beautiful and meaningful years in high school… i guess that’s one of the reasons why I feel so attached to my alma mater. no matter how people put St. Paul down, I guess it will always be a part of me – a big part of me – because I owe to that school much of who I am now. Not only has it given me a good education, it has also given me people and friendships and memories to cherish for the rest of my life. that school has been good to me, and I do not have a lot of reasons not to be proud of my being a Paulinian.
i just joined pure pinay. :D
give her some lovin'! :D hey mel, welcome to the Sweet-Angel.Net family. :D

and my host is back up again! :D truly, a domain without a host is just like any other url... we missed you, mitch!

Friday, April 19, 2002

Which TRL girl are you?

Michell Branch again! yay! that girl totally rocks. :)

if you want to, i can save you... i ccan take you away from here... hihi. :D

happy birthday, Mons24!

(sana lang nababasa mo 'to and you'd sign my gbook! hmph! :D)

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

i want:

001. new blinds for my room.

002. my wallpaper to be removed.

003. cable internet.

004. a webcam.

005. a new layout.

006. a new COURSE, perhaps...???

You’re Michelle Branch! You’re the ‘girl nextdoor’ type of gal. You’ve got a down-to-earth feel about you, and you’re not afraid to be original. You’re still trying to find yourplace in life, but that doesn’t mean you’re not enjoying the trip. Rich and famous? Sure! But you’re not gonna let that go to your head. ;D

What Kind of Pop Princess Are You? Quiz by Jonah

got this from ate jannie, who, by the way, has a new layout. :)

care to make me happy?

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

got this from an e-mail. i think my layout can relate to it. :D


One day, a young boy asked his Mom.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because I'm a woman" she told him.

"I don't understand," he said,

"And you never will, but that's okay."

Later the little boy asked his father,

"Why does Mom seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason" was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally, he put in a call to God.

When God got back to him, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"

God answered, "When I made woman, I decided she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet her arms gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her the inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times will come, even from her own children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going and take care of her family and friends, even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue, without complaining.

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her badly. She has the very special power to make a child's

boo-boo feel better and to quell a teenager's anxieties and fears.

I gave her strength to care for her husband despite faults, and I fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly

I also gave her a tear to shed. It is hers to use whenever needed and is her only weakness. When you see her cry, tell her how much you love her and all she does for everyone. And even though she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good.

She is special!"

Saturday, April 13, 2002

Winnie and Kevin kissed! :) I love that show, The Wonder Years... I used to watch reruns of that show on Star World, even when i was still in second year hs... it suddenly stopped (much to my dismay) and i've been wanting to see it again since then... and now, The Disney Channel is showing it again. hahah. i'm a sucker for cheesy underage love stories on tv... heheh. :)

anyway, it was my little sister's birthday party today. as usual, the ever-loving and world's greatest ate, me (heheh, you can bonk me now) was emcee and game master... walalang... (i wanted to say "they grow up so fast" but i'd sound like my mom... heheh, but it's true) sometimes i wish my sister would never grow old... coz she's at this age when she can constantly irritate me and i hate it when i get mad at her. but sometimes i can't control myself; more often that not, she fails to understand the things that are important to me -- things like silence, neatness, Austin, my laptop (heheh) or her having to memorize the multiplication table -- and why they are important to me... but what can i say? she's only 8 years old. my mom tells me that i shouldn't expect her to be on my level of thinking, and that it would greatly help if i go down to her maturity level and explain things. well of course my mom is right. i try to do that... but i'm only human. :)

i love my sister. i'd kill anyone who would harm or hurt her.

walalang. i just wanted to put that on record. :)
still up. want sleep. lids droopy. eyes heavy. bro's project, almost done. need bed. big yawn.


Friday, April 12, 2002

Rob was voted out of the island. i think he deserved it. he was a lying, conniving little... well, you get the idea. :)

some plugs that are looong overdue:

mixz, niks, carlo, psyche, denise*, mel*, aA*... (*--on hiatus)
At around 6:30am, Las Pinas police came to our house to execute a warrant of arrest… for me! Naturally I was still asleep at that time; my mom and dad proceeded to straightening things out without even bothering to wake me up. That’s how much they love me.

By the time I woke up, my mom had already gone to the city hall and my dad had already talked to the police. My mom told me to dress up and that she would have my picture taken… you know, in the manner that criminals have their picture taken… with the left and right side views… hahah. Now that cracked me up.

You might be wondering why I suddenly became a fugitive. Well, two months ago, I got into a minor car accident while driving along Sucat, Paranaque. I hit a 1978 blue Mitsubishi Lancer in the rear while making a U-turn. The passengers of the vehicle confronted me immediately and demanded that I pay the damages. Now I won’t explain whether or not I was at fault because it’s a long story. I called my mom and she went there to iron things out. It turned out that the other party was not insured and demanded that we pay them in cash. My car, on the other hand, had comprehensive insurance so it’s not really a problem, as my mom told me, because the insurance would take care of it.

My father refused to pay in cash, and explained to the other party that the insurance would pay for the repair if they agreed to have it fixed in an accredited auto shop. But they wanted us to pay it outright and said that they have had someone else estimate the damages, and that it amounted to Php 5,000. My father, being the strong-willed Scorpion that he is (like me – hehe) refused to have it their way. After all, that’s the reason why we pay for insurance, for them to cover our accident expenses.

And so, to make the long story short, after a month of not hearing from the other party, the police suddenly came to my house to pick me up. They’ve filed a complaint against me and issued a warrant of arrest without even inviting us to a hearing. My family suspects that they had contacts from the court that’s why they were able to skip legal proceedings. My mom has posted bail and said she would arrange everything, and leave it to the insurance. My parents were really comforting, my dad told me he didn’t want to get me traumatized. He didn’t want me to be afraid of driving again. :) What a dad. :)

In conclusion, dear friends, for the past month or so, I was actually a criminal at large… without my knowledge.

Hahah… crap. :)

may sikreto akong sasabihin sa'yo... mayroong nangyaring hindi mo alam... ito'y isang lihim, itinagong kay tagal... muntik na kitang minahal...

senti time... :) been listening to that song over and over since an hour ago... my brother asked me to download it... it's just so beautiful. i downloaded he version from The Company, not the new one by Carol Banawa... blah, you probably don't know and don't care what i'm talking about... whew... i'm sleepy but i still want to saty up... huh? bangag na talaga ako... ey psyche, ung domain nten ha... :) sounds nice... i can imagine the first version... it shall be entitled great minds think alike... mweheheh...

i recently started writing journal entries and saving it on my computer... i dunno, i just started ranting and raving and well, i couldn't stop... and because it's in my laptop, i write Dear Austin instead of Dear Diary... walalang, share ko lang...

i better go now... later i'll be laughing about this entry and how high i was while writing this... oh well... :)
I have decided to rid myself of my cell phone for the next ten days. When I checked my unbilled charges a while ago, it had amounted to 999.66 pesos. And I’m not even halfway through my billing period! So I figured it would be better if I stuck it out with my turn-off-my-cell-phone plan. I’m already ashamed of myself; my mom doesn’t deserve all those headaches over my cell phone bill. I often said that I couldn’t live without my cell phone but believe me, my bill is huge. Humongous even. And these tough times call for, well, some action.

I guess I love my mother too much to hurt her by abusing the luxury that she has given me of having a post-paid cell phone account. And also because of that love, I’ll be able to live without my cell phone for ten days. So there.

Please visit my my new baby. :) Oh no, it's not a boyfriend. :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

watched E.T. today. it was so-so. but drew barrymore was reeeeeaaaalllllyyy cute. she was only a toddler then. heheh. but my mom is sick. she has a temperature and a bad cough. now i'm sad. =(

anyway, i just wanted to show everyone my desktop and WMP skin...

spiderman fever. he's spun a web on me too. oh well, i guess that's it for now. i'm off to watch ally.

Tuesday, April 9, 2002

well, i think a long blog entry is due. i was gone for four days and now i have no excuse not to blog (kudos to our most industrious blogger)since school's out so... here i am.

my family and i went to Subic for the long weekend... and while i was packing, i was thinking whether or not i should bring my laptop. i've been working on this layout since last friday and i really wanted to upload it before the week ended. but i decided against it, thinking that i'd probably be too busy swimming and shopping to want to finish my layout in Subic. besides, there would probably be no phone line in the place where we would be staying.

it turns out, there were a couple of hours of boredom that i could have used to finish the new layout. oh well. during that time, i thought of a name for my laptop. i now call him Austin. from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. pretty lame but what the heck? i loved that film. =D haha.

anyway, we had luch at the Triboa Bay Country Club and the food was fantastic. i loved their Ceasar's Salad. my cousins and i were really so full -- the food was absolutely sinful. :)

because my tito is the president of a government organization handling loan guarantees, their vacation incentive included a two-day stay at one of the APEC villas. remember the houses they built for the different national leaders when they held the APEC summit here in the Philippines? that's where we stayed... the house was very well-furnished and it had floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a comanding view of the beach.

well, that's all for my Subic Adventure. :) btw, it's my little sister's 8th birthday today. i remember she told me a while ago, "Ate Teng, 8 na ko. Ang tanda ko na." heheh, so what do you call me now? a senior citizen? hahah. :)

Happy Birthday, Tata!!!

as if she could read this, but what the heck! :)

Monday, April 8, 2002

new layout... :) comments, anyone?

Thursday, April 4, 2002

yesterday, i recieved an e-mail from edsamail saying that their services are no longer free. it was not a surprising step-- recently they offered value-added packages for a fee. but then, asking for payment for the use of their services is contrary to their slogan "Because it's a free world." Oh c'mon.

edsamail actually revolutionized e-mailing for Filipinos. their installation cd's were distributed all over Metro Manila and almost all of the people i know once had an addy. its free dial-up access also made it more popular than web-based email. i believe that a chunk of the technological awareness of a lot of people can be attributed to the popularity of edsamail.

i really can't help but think, "was their offer of free services before have a pure intention? or is it also just a part of a giant marketing scheme?" now that more and more Filipinos have become dependent on Edsamail for their e-mailing needs, which if i may say was primarily because it was free, they ask for a fee. they say it's because of the financial crisis and the region's economic situation, but is it? personally, i believe that even if the inflation rate was down and the country was economically stable, edsamail would find reasons to charge their users.

i just wish they could have forewarned the people, or better yet, confess that it's not really because of the economy that they're charging us. they never should have used their slogan "it's a free world," because when it comes down to it, everyone wants something in exchange of something else. very few people have pure intentions -- and i don't think the edsamail tycoons are among them.

but then again, it's just me.

Monday, April 1, 2002

really now. :)
went to school today to get my classcards... it turns out sa 18 pa pala ang distribution... hmph! waste of time, money and effort. ang labo naman kasi eh. hindi nila inaayos ang pag-announce ng important dates of the academic year... inefficiency truly plagues many of this country's government institutions. haaay.

anyway, the only class card i got was from p.e. and i got a 2.25. 2.25?!?!?! i was outraged! that's the lowest grade i ever got -- it even beat my math classes and major subjects -- of which i have a running lowest grade of 2. and for what?! for not knowing how to define all six aspects of wellness and physical fitness? crap.

wala lang. i know i'm making a big deal out of nothing... but i just had to have something to talk about aside from Rico Yan.

Saturday, March 30, 2002

i was never a fan, but the death of Rico Yan -- a popular matinee idol here in the Philippines -- came as a surprise. oh yes, he was cute and all that -- i'm a sucker for bedimpled people. but what is most tragic of all is the fact that he is so young, so full of promise, and his life was cut short with the blink of an eye.

it's so ironic that only a few days ago, i was watching him on tv (on a mini-series featuring a poor imitation of survivor, mind you) and now, he's gone. it was a good wake-up call; i speak for myself when i say that the unpredictability of death is often taken for granted.

most of the time, we equate youth with incorruptibility... who would have thought that a buff 27-year-old would die in his sleep on Good Friday? as opposed to a white-haired 60-year-old, he would seem to have more days to live. but then again, death chooses no time and place. when your mission on Earth is over, it's over.

this event magnified something that has always been one of my fears: to die unaccomplished. there are so many things i want to do -- graduate, have a family, write a book, appear on national tv, start a business -- and dying is not yet among my plans. but who knows? as what was proven by Rico Yan's death, my Creator can take me anytime he wants to... even if i haven't accomplished the goals i have set for myself.

but in the end we realize that we just need to trust in Him. He has a plan for everything, that i believe, and when my human mind can no longer justify the things that surround me, i can always say that in time, God will make me understand. if and when i shall die, He will give me a good reason when i (hopefully) meet Him in His Kingdom.

i guess no one will ever be ready to die... not you, not me, not anyone. that's why it is important to make investments... i will be a hypocrite if i say that i practice what i preach; on the contrary, i am not a very devout Christian. but then again my life for my Father to judge... i can only pray that i am worthy of His grace.

i am saying a silent prayer to all the souls who died during their youth. i am not sure who is more lucky -- me, alive in this imperfect world, or them, in the other life holding the hand of our Father...

rest in peace, Rico Yan.

Friday, March 29, 2002

rico yan, dead???

i cannot believe it.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

never met anyone so perfect

never knew anyone could make me so happy.

but happiness is such an abstract thought,

as abstract as faith, love and emotion.

as abstract as you are to me.

and yet...

you have blown me away.

hmmm... i'm sensing an inspiration for a new layout.

Friday, March 22, 2002

two final exams, three research papers, two presentations, two speeches and a couple of hellish weeks later, i am alive. i am alive!!! whew! who would've thought i'd make it? :)

anyway, here it is... the sweet, sweet triumph of making it to summer vacation. no more all-nighters, no more cramming, no more bus rides to school -- at least for a couple of months. it's guilt-free tv and gimik time! :)

anyway, last night i went to the graduation of my former high school... and i just felt, well, old. i don't know. maybe because i saw all those students, high school students, and it made me think that i could never bring back those days. once it's done, it's done. next year i'll be in third year. two years to go and i'll be a college graduate as well. what does the future hold for me?

many times now, i have wished i could just stay in high school. the carefree, innocent days of high school... no kidding. it just felt so... problem-less during those days. with the freedom that college has granted me, came a huge responsibility of being accountable for all your actions. it is a huge responsibility that sometimes you just want to run away from all of it, and give them the line "after-all-i'm-just-a-kid." but you can't, because although you still feel like a kid, you are already an adult in other people's eyes.

hmmm... enough said.

on a lighter note, i'd like to congratulate my newly-graduated friends, if you are reading this, let me sing for you... :)

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

So make the best of this test, and don't ask why

It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time...

i hope you all have the time of your lives in college. :)

Sunday, March 17, 2002

"i smiled to many people for more than a billion times... but when i first saw you, my heart took over and smiled for the first time."

awww. :)

Thursday, March 14, 2002

i'm so sleepy...

Monday, March 11, 2002

school has been... well, its usual bitchy self. i've been stressed out for the past couple of weeks, but gladly, just a few more days and it shall have come to pass. but really... i don't even remember sleeping nicely because my responsibilities and school work have been bugging me even in my dreams. that's how bad it is.

hmm... besides, not a lot of things have been blog-worthy...

thanks to everyone who signed my gbook... denise (whose gbook entry really cracked me up -- bene days!), ate jannie (nanggigil ng sobra), psyche (it's Catherine with a C -- hehe), aa (the grad!!!), carlo (free at last! heheh), jonathon (who put a rather long and poetic entry) and of course mitch who is now officially famous because of her first hate entry. :) heheheh...

Tuesday, March 5, 2002

v8.grayscale now out! :D yay! tell me what you think. :)

in the meantime, i'm going to study for my p.e. finals tomorrow... talk about enjoyable. eeew.
new layout coming out. sorry for the inconvenience. :) kainis, di ko matapos coz of schoolwork e... :(

Sunday, March 3, 2002

i looooooooove ALICIA KEYS!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

it's one of those days when all you could do is cry... not because you want to, but because you are given no choice... but to weep, and let the tears flow. for they are the tears not of your eyes, but of your heart... and there is nothing much you can do to dry them.

disillusioned... yet again.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

well, well... it's one of those times when your bright yellow highliter becomes your best friend, when you finally get to reading those handouts you photocopied, when you had to skip class to cram for an exam you should have studied for weeks ago... yes, my friends, it's hell week in school.

this week was really, really tight. as in choking tight. we had a test for OrCom 140 today (one of my major subjects), and to tell you the truth, i cut my first class to study for it. to think i had the whole day off yesterday because we had no classes... naturally i played Bomber Man on my sister's Gameboy, watched the Drew Carey Show and Whose Line Is It Anyway?, and dilly-dallied for several hours before i got around to studying -- or rather, big-time cramming.

we also have a research proposal for the same subject, and what do you know, we're the first presentors! but then again my partner and i are trying to console ourselves with the thought that at least we've got it over with, when the time comes that it's super hell week (yes, it can get worse) in school.

also due this saturday is a theoretical background for this paper we're writing for Intercultural Communication. and get this: a friend of mine passed her 3-page introduction last monday and my professor said it was "too flimsy." TOO FLIMSY?!?!?!?! 3 pages for an introduction is more than enough! and as if she's such a great teacher. ugh.

lastly, we had a surprise quiz in SocSci 2 today. and my score would probably be... 3/15. hideous.

and so i'm ending this entry now, coz i know i'm sounding as interesting as my teacher's monologue on the Hobbesian view of Social Contracts. but let us not lose hope... summer vacation is just around the corner -- so near, i can almost smell it... haha. :D

oh, and by the way, care to make my guestbook happy?

Monday, February 18, 2002

hectic school week. sorry i haven't been blogging.

due to the innumerable projects that have come pouring in from nowhere, my life has turned into boring, boring, boring. nothing but headaches, pressure, tension, handouts, papers, interviews, schoolwork, here and there. but i know my priorities and i believe my studies should come first.

i'll blog when i get more time, k?

hugs to all who signed my gbook! plugs -- to follow. :D

Friday, February 15, 2002

belated valentine's day to everyone! :D

had a great day yesterday... just thinking about it makes me giddy all over again. :D

although i wasn't with my valentine yesterday (due to time and distance constraints), i was nevertheless happy. my 5:30-7pm class cancelled on us, so we only had two classes yesterday. my friend Mina and i went to watch two for the knight, a Regine Velasquez-Brian McKnight concert... and it was so... uhmm... beyond words. :D If anyone watched the Corrs concert last September, you will remember what happened when they sang "Runaway", when all the people were waving their back-lighted cellphones in the air and it looked like thousands of tiny stars amidst the dark Araneta Coliseum... well it happened again last night. :D while Brian McKnight was singing "One Last Cry"... hmmm... very, very magical.

and, as if that wasn't enough, when i got home, there was a box with a single, long stemmed red rose lying on my bed... with a letter that read:

" you said, it all started with a single rose. and you know what? things haven't changed. i still feel just like the way i did when i gave you one for the first time. the only difference is, this feeling grew deeper..."

*pauses for a moment and gets this dreamy, lovestruck look*

i'm wishing you all a valentine's day as beautiful, magical and memorable as mine. :D

Wednesday, February 13, 2002


Tuesday, February 12, 2002

2 days to go before valentine's day...

I would ask for still more, if I had the skies with all its stars and the world with its endless riches; but I would be content with the smallest corner of this earth, if only she were mine. -R. Tagore... saw it here.
as promised... :D much love to Carlo, Bel, Abbey, Frances, Mitch, Psyche, Candace, Katrina, Niks and Marz. you made both my guestbook and *me* veeery happy. :D

Monday, February 11, 2002

hmmm... just got back from school. had a long day... woke up at around 5:30 am because i'm supposed to have my physical exam for next year's enrolment. you might be wondering why i got up so early... it's because UP is known for its notorious lines, and yes, it can take you 3-5 hours just to know whether or not you're physically fit to enrol next sem. but i'm not complaining; after all, it's for free. and i'm paying next to nothing for my tuition fee. and when i graduate, companies will be all over themselves trying to hire me. okay so the last part may not be true. but still.

so there... my 5:30 - 7pm class was socsci2, you know, the great political thinkers (although i often fail to see what's so great about them)... and my prof refused to let us get the day off on thursday -- valentine's day. i mean, it ain't so big a deal for me, considering that i'm not really planning to go anywhere and all... but it's still a bit depressing thinking of all those couples holding each others' hands on valentine's night, while we're stuck in a cold classroom trying to justify why thomas hobbes wrote about the poor, short, nasty, brutish and solitary life of men. talk about romantic.

oh, well, that's life. before i forget, thanks to all those who signed the guestbook (specially the paulinians! :D) i'm gonna plug you all tomorrow. but right now i'm gonna go get some sleep. kapeesh?

Sunday, February 10, 2002

took this.

the result:

Your mind is never at rest ..You are continually striving to influence all those about you. You have some excellent ideas but you persist in trying to persuade others just how great your ideas really are. Maybe you are trying too hard...Take it easy... remember - "Everything comes to those who wait".

You are not be feeling so good at this time. Everything seems to be getting on top of you ... What you need is a rest from all of the the present trials and tribulations.. in peaceful surroundings and with someone.. Male or Female,... it doesn't really matter, but it is to be with someone who can really understand you and appreciates your needs.

Loneliness is soul destroying and at this time you feel lost and lonely, perhaps it is because you feel so frustrated that you are prepared to go out of your way to become emotionally involved with someone who could accept you for what you are ... You are egocentric, antagonistic and quick to take offence, although it must be said, you can control your pent-up up emotion and thus avoid open conflict.

From every direction there appears to be unwarranted restrictions on your freedom of action and this is producing considerable stress..You're really looking for independence and freedom from any restriction and therefore avoiding any obligations or anything which might prove hampering. You are being subjected to considerable pressures and you would like nothing better than to escape from them, but you tend to lack the necessary strength of purpose to succeed in this. Whichever way you turn you are being frustrated. You need to be free to do your "thing" in your own way...

You are anxious about all the limitations to which you are subjected to at this time.... You feel that you are not valued for what or who you are. You need OUT. So why procrastinate any longer .... MOVE!

hmmm... it isn't that accurate... but it's okay.

Saturday, February 9, 2002

choral recitation update: WE WON! We won! Yey! We really won! Out of five competing schools, St. Paul bagged the first place for both choral recitation and Sabayang Pagbigkas (its Tagalog counterpart). And, as if that wasn’t enough, St. Paul was also awarded the title of Over-all Champion for the BAPPSA Musical, Literary and Academic Competitions – for the third straight year. (BAPPSA is an association for all public and private schools is Paranaque.)

I am proud to be a Paulinian of Paranaque. And times like these make me even prouder. :D

Thursday, February 7, 2002

didn't go online for two days. why? well...

yesterday, i cut P.E. class to go to St. Paul and teach the choral recitation people. competition is scheduled for tomorrow and we were cramming because we haven't finished the actions for the entire piece. we practiced for eight long hours until we got it all done... by the time i went home my muscles were begging for mercy... it was really tiring... but i had to prepare for a report and a quiz for the next day. i didn't get to watch the drew carey show, whose line is it anyway? (my favorite) and the pilot episode for the new season of ally mcbeal! oh well.

i was in school for the whole day today. 9am-7pm... got home at around 9pm. uhmm... that's about it.

i hope we would be able to do our best tomorrow. we worked real hard for this performance for the past couple of weeks... it would make me real happy if all the work would somehow pay off.

please pray for us, everyone! :)

thanks to mikko and jannie for tagging my gbook. :) how 'bout you? :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2002

give 'em some loving!!!

jannie, denise, bel, Ang Aming Katha, mitch. new link, new domain, new layout, new issue and great host respectively. :D
Now i got it! Anyway, i just got back from my high school alma mater (st. paul) because I've been training some students for an inter-school choral recitation. It was really tiring... Tiring, but fun. The contest will be held this Friday and we're actually *cramming* to finish all the actions and polish it on time. I'm planning to cut P.E. class tomorrow so we can practice the whole day. Oh well.

A lot of people are asking me if I was getting paid for this, and honestly, I'm not. I don't even get food allowance at times. A lot of them think I'm crazy for accepting such responsibility, but I don't know... Maybe I really am crazy. But it gives me a certain kind of fulfillment when I teach; it gives me a different kind of adrenaline rush. Plus, I feel like I am actually reliving my high school days. I love competition, and there is no other feeling as nice as being part of a winning team.

But then again, we still have to wait and see. I really do hope we win. The students I am training deserve nothing less. (Go St. Paul! :D)

By the way, whatchoo think of my new layout? :) (Be gentle!)
why can't i make this thing work?????
new layout! :D

Monday, February 4, 2002

low cellphone bill this month! yey! :)
Barbecue sauce is the best thing that ever happened to McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. Uh-hmm!