Sunday, March 27, 2005

Senti Trip

I don;t know why but I'm feeling sentimental today. And about what? About being young.

I know many people would beg to disagree that 21 is not old at all. I think, chronologically it's not, but the fact that your age today, right this very moment is the the oldest you've been, you will always feel "old" in some level and always wish you were younger...

I especially miss high school. And I've had this feeling since high school graduation, which is (counting) exactly five years and three days ago. Whew! That's a pretty long time back. But the fact of the matter is, high school will always be, well, unbeatable in my long list of sentimental subjects.

What I miss most about high school:
1. My school bus. The fact that no matter what you do, you can be sure that you'll get to school and back home, safely.
2. My uniform -- not having to worry about what to wear the next day, just how to fold your socks. Haha.
3. The classrooms, a place to leave your stuff where it won't get lost. Well, 90% of the time at least. But also a place where you an do a lot of stuff other than having classes; you can eat, sleep, drink, be merry, play cards, play charades, play the guitar... and well, some other censored stuff. Haha.
4. The gym, the CAI lab, the canteen, the library, the IMC, the GS viewing room, the PL office, the teacher's lounge, the office of the HS secretary, the permanently unswinging swings. Ahhhh memories.
5. Cheering competitions -- by batch, not by color.
6. Songfest, Jazztri, Concerts, BAPPSA, otherwise known as events where you can show 'em what you're made of.
7. Sabayang Pagbigkas / Choral Recitation -- it would take a separate entry if I expound on this one. Our passion, our pride. We can only pray it remains that way.
8. Class numbers, class officers, bulletin boards.
9. Club Time, otherwise known as the time we can spend buying drinks or gossiping on the way the PL office... until the "Piso-per-minute" rule came along (Ailil, remember this?!?! Haha!)
10. Intrams, St. Paul's Day -- otherwise known as the only valid reason not to have classes during Sr. Mila's regime.

More to come next entry...


I saw an email I sent to my friend from the module. It brought back memories of how it felt like to just be AWAY for two weeks.

Below text edited for privacy and profanity. Haha.

Oddly enough, I am just coming from a very very bad hangover. Last night we had a "drinking party" where everyone was supposed to bring a drink from their own countries. It was so wild. Although I was not able to bring anything from the Philippines, the others brought so much! Anyway, I bought some drinks from the nearby supermarket just so I have something with me. Shempre ako naman si tikim ng lahat ng inumin diba (of course I tried all of it)! Somebody brought this Chinese wine that was supposed to be 52% alcohol (I tried it) and there was also this Brazilian (?) drink called Sangria that was, I dunno how may percent alcohol (I tried it) and there was also this Danish drink that I dunno how many percent alcohol as well (of course i tried it too), and then I finished off the 6 bottles of Whities I brought, so I had roughly 80++% alcohol with me. Hahahahahaha.

I went home around 2:30am, I don't even remember how I made it coz everything was spinning. I woke up this morning to find myself in the same clothes I had on last night. Then I stood up and sobrang hilo ako (I was so dizzy). I was coughing and the worst thing is that I was almost throwing up everytime I coughed. I had a class that starts 8am. I was such a nightmare......... I tried to force myself to feel better during class but it was just sooooo hard. That's really the crazy life right there.

Damn, was I wasted! But then, I always keep in mind that I'm allowed to be like this only in DK. (That's a promise!)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Coming Home

I know this is too late for a coming home entry, because I have been back on Philippine soil for two weeks already. Met new people, learned new things, rode a new airline, founded new friendships. It was a good two weeks spent in snowy Denmark, if I must say.

I finally came around to seeing the little mermaid (and how little she is!) -- you'd almost pass by her if you didn't look close enough. We also built a snowman and had a snowfight on a particularly snowy day. We also had 12-hour classes, some were fun and the others... are not worth mentioning. We spent a lot of time "networking," though -- indoors, outdoors, at the basement, during sports, on the bus, while ice skating, in the rooms, even during laundry!

All in all it was a very productive Module, and I am definitely looking forward to the next one (although the real test is in Module 3 -- we'll be having the exams). And by the way, Maersk is looking for members of MISE Batch of 2005, so wherever you are in the world, if you're interested, or if you want to learn more about the program, you can log on to the MISE Webpage.

So that concludes my "photo essay" of Module 2. For more pictures, visit this.

Oh and one more thing...

It's good to be back home! :)