Friday, February 8, 2008

Always Something There Part 2

Two months ago I had a post about always having "something there"... How we, or rather I (di ko na muna kayo idadamay, haha) am so insatiable.

From my list back then: , , , , -- I am still not able to cross anything out. And funnily enough, a couple of months down the line, some of the items have already changed. (On a related note -- kudos to Stella who I know is actually able to cross out at least one thing on her list! :) Makikitira nalang kami ni Mark sayo!)

I no longer want a macbook or a macbook pro -- I am now eyeing an iMac. The iPhone has also now been scrapped in favor of a DSLR. The TV and the condo unit remains. And sadly there is another item to add to the list: a master's degree.

Let's veer away from materialism for a while and think about this rather worthy cause. I read once that the money you invest in yourself is money well-spent. Unfortunately, getting a master's degree does seem to entail a considerable amount of spending.

I blame you, Stella, for instilling in me this newfound zest for higher education. When I graduated from college, followed by 2 years of "education" under the MISE program and then again followed by 4 months of rigorous language training here in China -- I thought I swore off studying completely. I told myself I will never never put myself again through the pressure of schooling. I am also an advocate of the "once-you-start-earning-you-won't-feel-like-going-back-to-school" paradigm. But lately it seems that, like my old wishlist, I might have to scrap some of these beliefs as well.

I guess we never really stop wanting; and the nature of this eternal "wanting" is not something that we should berate ourselves over. That thirst, I believe, is the same as a person's insatiable thirst for, say, knowledge and higher learning. There will always be something out there -- something to want, something new to discover, something to be learned, something to be experienced -- and for these exact reasons, we wake up every morning with something to look forward to.

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