Tuesday, November 5, 2002

Great quote from tonight's episode of Smallville:

"What would you do if you had the power to see anything?"

"Learn to close my eyes."

On a lighter note, Googlism certainly had a lot to say about me. Haha. Thanks Psyche for the good laugh.

teng is a respected american doctor and professor of traditional chinese medicine who was arrested in may.

teng is also a faculty member of the graduate school of biomedical sciences program in virology and gene therapy.

teng is in a state of "change of heart after brainwashing".

teng is the only candidate for assessor who will work for the veterans and seniors of this city.

teng is fulfilling this duty by taking care of her grandmother.

teng is desperate. [oooowwwwkkkkkaaayyyy... :D]

teng is suddenly singing the praises of her captors.

teng is called tung wan. [my new nickname? whaddya think? :)]

teng is also a member in the jail art team and often participates in art performances.

teng is now a full professor in the computer science department at boston university and also a senior research scientist at akamai.

teng is a practicing physician within the lewis and john dare center at virginia mason.

teng is a frequent participant in research projects focusing on the aboriginal tribes.

teng is extremely soft. [i always did think i was rather cuddly. :D]

teng is not quite who you would expect. [ooohh. deep.]

teng is a flutist.

teng is a world renowned geophysicist. [you bet i am! :D]

teng is a japanese long nosed goblin. [but the mirror tells me otherwise... hmm. better check again.]

teng is an assistant professor of chinese studies in the foreign languages and literatures section.

teng is most deplorable and inexcusable for an elected representative.

teng is an associate editor of advances in structural engineering.

teng is pure magic. [ehem. :D]

and best of all...

teng is actively engaging in building contacts with sex workers. [me -- the pimp! :D]

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